Analog Gauges and Compasses | Scuba Center has been selling quality scuba diving and snorkeling equipment since 1973. You will find a wide selection of scuba and snorkeling equipment at both our Minneapolis and Eagan, Minnesota locations. Scuba Center Public Safety Diving and Water Rescue Equipment | Scuba Center in Eagan, Minnesota is your leading source for Ice Rescue, Public Safety Diving, and Water Rescue equipment in the Upper Midwest. Contact us for questions or details.
Scuba Center is a SAM ( formerly CCR ) registered supplier for the United States Government.  Our customers include: U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Navy, U.S. Federal Government Agencies, Law Enforcement Agencies, Search and Rescue (SAR) Teams, Fire Departments, State and Local Government agencies, Commercial Diving Companies, School Districts, Television and Movie production companies, and many others.
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Analog Gauges and Compasses

For questions about any of these gauges, please contact us.

Apeks Console, SPG, Brass, 5000 PSI | Apeks new, very accurate pressure (contents) gauge, with an internal Bourdon pressure measuring mechanism, gives you clear information on the gas contents of your cylinder. The gauge indicates the cylinder bottle pressure and the dial range is from zero to 5000 PSI. The dial face is designed with clarity in mind. Uncluttered, with large black figures on a luminous background giving a long phosphorescent effect. This makes viewing as easy as possible, even in poor visibility conditions. | The Aqua Lung Group is committed to providing robust, reliable and high performance equipment to all parts of the Military & Professional diving community. Their clear goal is to be the premier “One Stop” provider of professional grade diving equipment to the commercial diving industry.

Analog Gauges

Diving Compasses |



Gauge Hoses |


MIFLEX Gauge Hoses |


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While these are excellent reference materials, in no way should this information be considered a replacement for proper training for the specific type of diving in which you plan to participate.